Activists Dump Manure Near White House in Protest of President Biden’s Climate Plan
A group of climate activists pushed wheelbarrows of cow manure through Washington in protest of US President Joe Biden’s climate plan, which they described as “bulls**t.”The April 22 video shows demonstrators from the DC chapter of Extinction Rebellion dumping the manure onto the street while erecting banners that say, “Stop the bulls**t.” The activists criticized President Biden’s plan as not going far enough to protect the environment, according to reports.Jane Recker from the Washingtonian captured the video.“The activists dumped the manure near a west entrance of the White House and had some speeches and chants about the need to meet net-zero emissions by 2025,” Recker said.Recker added that the activists intended to clean up the manure, but when they came back to do so, the city had already removed it.The protest coincided with the start of President Biden’s virtual two-day summit on climate change, which was scheduled on Earth Day and the day after.